Optimizing PostgreSQL Performance with the Sort-Merge Join Algorithm: A Detailed Guide

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Optimizing PostgreSQL Performance with the Sort-Merge Join Algorithm: A Detailed Guide

Maximize PostgreSQL Performance with the Sort-Merge Join Algorithm: An Extensive Tutorial


3 min read

The Sort-Merge Join algorithm in PostgreSQL is an efficient way to handle joining large datasets when certain conditions are met. This method is particularly useful when the data is already sorted or can be efficiently sorted, and it can provide optimal performance compared to other join algorithms like Nested Loop Join and Hash Join under the right circumstances.

Sort-Merge Join Algorithm Overview

The Sort-Merge Join consists of two main phases: the Sort phase and the Merge phase.

  1. Sort Phase:

    • Both input relations (tables) to be joined are sorted on the join key(s).

    • If the relations are already sorted, this step can be skipped.

    • PostgreSQL uses efficient sorting algorithms like QuickSort or External Merge Sort to sort the data.

  2. Merge Phase:

    • The sorted relations are scanned, and tuples (rows) with matching join keys are combined to form the result.

    • The algorithm iterates through both sorted relations in a manner similar to the merge step of the merge sort algorithm, ensuring that it only processes each tuple once.

Detailed Steps

  1. Input Preparation:

    • Identify the two relations to be joined, say R and S.

    • Identify the join key(s) on which the join operation will be performed.

  2. Sorting:

    • Sort relation R on the join key(s). This results in R_sorted.

    • Sort relation S on the join key(s). This results in S_sorted.

  3. Merge:

    • Initialize pointers i and j to the beginning of R_sorted and S_sorted, respectively.

    • Compare the join keys of the current tuples pointed to by i and j.

      • If R_sorted[i].key < S_sorted[j].key, increment i.

      • If R_sorted[i].key > S_sorted[j].key, increment j.

      • If R_sorted[i].key == S_sorted[j].key, combine the tuples to form a result tuple, and increment both i and j.

    • Continue this process until all tuples in one of the relations have been processed.

Optimal Performance Conditions

The Sort-Merge Join algorithm is most efficient under certain conditions:

  1. Sorted Input:

    • If the input relations are already sorted on the join key, the Sort phase is skipped, saving significant processing time.

    • For example, if the relations are indexes on the join key, the Sort-Merge Join can directly leverage the index order.

  2. Large Datasets:

    • Sort-Merge Join performs well with large datasets, especially when the relations cannot fit into memory and need to be processed using external sorting.
  3. Balanced Input Sizes:

    • When the sizes of the input relations are roughly balanced, the Sort-Merge Join can be more efficient than Hash Join, which may suffer from hash table overflow if one relation is significantly larger than the other.


Consider two tables, orders and customers, with the join condition orders.customer_id =customers.id. The SQL query would be:

SELECT orders.order_id, customers.name
FROM orders
JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.id;

In PostgreSQL, the Sort-Merge Join would proceed as follows:

  1. Sort Phase:

    • Sort orders by customer_id.

    • Sort customers by id.

  2. Merge Phase:

    • Initialize pointers to the start of both sorted tables.

    • Compare orders.customer_id with customers.id.

    • If they match, output the joined tuple.

    • Move the pointer(s) accordingly based on the comparison.


  • Efficiency: Sort-Merge Join is efficient for large datasets and when the input is pre-sorted.

  • Parallelism: The sorting and merging phases can be parallelized, taking advantage of multi-core processors.

  • Deterministic: Unlike Hash Join, Sort-Merge Join doesn't depend on hash functions and is deterministic in its operation, avoiding potential hash collisions.


The Sort-Merge Join algorithm in PostgreSQL is a powerful method for joining large datasets efficiently, especially when the data is sorted or can be sorted efficiently. Understanding its operation and optimal conditions helps in designing queries and indexes that leverage this algorithm for improved performance.